Keeping it short and sweet today as I am sure you all have plenty of thing you would rather be doing than having another history lecture from yours truly. Today I am featuring this wonderful nugget the Morgan F-4.
Built from 1932 - 1952 the F4 featured a pressed steel chassis and used a Ford side valve engine sourced from the Model Y. The F4 could allegedly carry four people, unlike its smaller siblings the F-2 and F-Super.
With rumours of a three wheel Morgan making a return to the market place it is perhaps surprising this did not happen a long time ago such vehicles are amazingly cheap and efficient to run.
Morgan do have one three wheeler on the books of course the £5000 / $ 8000 pedal car !
Thanks to every one from the Talk Morgan Sports Cars Forum who popped over during the last couple of days, for those who are into Morgans and have not visited there are some fabulous pictures of these quintessentially British vehicles in the Morgan Photo Gallery.
Wishing everyone a relaxing Sunday, thanks for stopping by, don't forget to come back now !